ESAT Campaign

ESAT by Future Adventure

Every Student A Tree (ESAT)


ESAT Campaign by Future Adventure

This involves primary and secondary students planting trees and maintaining a clean environment in their respective schools that will benefit them and their local community by reducing pollution by providing them with fresh air.

Therefore, ESAT is aimed at establishing tree growing programs focusing on drought resistant multi-purpose trees such as Muiri, Mutundu, and Muringa trees. We intend to undertake mass production of tree and fruit tree seedling that are suitable for Kajiado County climatic conditions within Kenya. By targeting the community of Kajiado County to address the challenges posed by poverty, harsh climatic conditions, and limited economic opportunities.

Our approach is adopting every school and college in Kenyan communities. We involve schools and local communities especially women, along with the school committees in our programs of replanting trees, developing tree nurseries, determining the types of trees, and fruits to be planted in a given area.

ESAT Background


Future Adventure empowers communities and youth to create a safer, healthier, cleaner, and greener environment.

Alleviate poverty through building, strengthening, and empowering the communities to produce adequate amounts of food without destroying the environment. 

Lay foundations for a fully informed and active participation of local Kenyan communities, school children, and youth in the protection of environment through prudent use of natural resources.

ESAT Ideals


Donate Fund

ESAT requires USD 396,300 for the four years and we are raising USD 59,445 towards the project through events and requesting for USD 336,855 to help cover the overall cost of the project for the four years. ESAT breakdown is in the budget description within in our proposal.

ESAT Events

Future Adventure Students

Reaching Schools

568 primary, 124 secondary, 18 tertiary, 7 polytechnics

Future Adventure Volunteers

Spreading Awareness

Increase public awareness about environmental issues

Every Student A Tree Project